5.0 (38 reviews)
From $129/month. 14-day free trial.


Competitor Price Tracking, Price Monitoring & Repricing

Key features

Unlimited Price Tracking: Handle an unlimited amount of competitor product price & stock availability information with Prisync's price monitoring app.

Email Alerts & Excel Reporting: You will receive automated price change alerts via email, and can export the data into Excel files.

Dynamic Pricing: Set dynamic pricing rules to make sure that your store always has the most competitive and profitable prices.



by PriceMole
4.5 (31 reviews)
From $59/month. 14-day free trial.


Competitor Price Tracking, Dynamic Pricing & Automated Pricing

Key features

Competitor Price Monitoring: See how you lineup against ALL your competitors. Use our price tracker to monitor competitor prices and stock. Add ANY Competitor Websites!

Dynamic Pricing: Maximize profits with PriceMole Dynamic Pricing. Automatically optimize prices based on your competition with competitor price monitoring.

Save Valuable Time!: Dynamic Pricing & Competitor Price Monitoring saves you money and time. Focus on marketing and building your store instead!
