Verified Product Badges

by Architechpro OÜ
0 (0 reviews)
$4.99/month. 5-day free trial.


Trust badges for products and vendors verification + in stock

Key features

Value of your brand: If you sell products of your own brand as well as other products, you can feature handpicked products from your brand

Badges for trusted products: Encourage customers to convert their purchases by selecting reputable products with checkmark or a star

Customizable verification icon: Change verification badge's shape and color scheme easily to fit your store's design

Verified Product Badges

by Architechpro OÜ
0 (0 reviews)
$4.99/month. 5-day free trial.


Trust badges for products and vendors verification + in stock

Key features

Value of your brand: If you sell products of your own brand as well as other products, you can feature handpicked products from your brand

Badges for trusted products: Encourage customers to convert their purchases by selecting reputable products with checkmark or a star

Customizable verification icon: Change verification badge's shape and color scheme easily to fit your store's design