4.6 (53 reviews)
From $99/month. 30-day free trial. Additional charges may apply.


Advanced Google Analytics tracking for your store

Key features

Automatic tracking: Set up improved tracking in minutes. Capture 100% of orders, track refunds, lifetime value and more — straight into Google Analytics.

Marketing attribution: Smart script fixes marketing attribution for Shopify stores, including paid, organic, search, social, and email. Connect FB & Google Ads.

Sales data: Track your entire checkout flow and repeat purchases. Smart connections for ReCharge, CartHook, payment gateways and multi-currency sales.

Conversific Store Analytics

by Conversific Ltd.
4.7 (118 reviews)
Free plan available. 14-day free trial.


Easy-to-use analytics for smart store owners

Key features

Industry eCommerce Benchmarks: Our industry eCommerce benchmarks and data dashboards provide a holistic view of Shopify and GA data. Make better decisions quickly.

Actionable Insights: Our Shopify Experts make data interpretation easy by combining Shopify Analytics and Google Analytics to grow your store’s profit.

KPI Reports+eCommerce Metrics: Make better decisions with our KPI reports + learn how to drive conversion and profit growth. See how your marketing activities perform.


0 (0 reviews)


Send your subscription order data to Google Analytics

Key features

Subscription Analytics: Send your recurring order data from Shopify to Google Analytics for a complete picture of your subscription business.

Automatic Order Sync: No manual process needed. Recurring subscription orders are sent to Google Analytics in minutes.

Accurate Revenue: You will now have visibility to your recurring revenue inside of Google Analytics to make smarter marketing decisions.